So... what do you do with your nearest and dearest who does your washing - love him of course. But when he takes a lambswool jumper, and washes it, and then dries it in the tumble drier - and ohhhh well I will have to lose a LOT more weight for it to fit me again...

Never mind - I cut off the sleeves, and they make very good hot water bottle covers don't they! I have been wanting to make something with felted jumpers - so here goes.
Michelle has been crocheting alone as a part of the Tour de France knitalong going on. So I told her I would join her with some crochet I am doing at the moment...
Firstly - I started making these cute little flower medallions - and I had to join them together and make something out of it didn't I. Don't know what it will finish up being...

Then I made a circle out of some cotton... and thought it would make an interesting pot holder...

so I crocheted a bit of fleece on the back

Then I have been patching some potholders / hot mats

and these are backed with an old towel - actually they make really good face cloths for in the shower - I love mine.

And some more hot mats...