Saturday, February 2, 2008

Seven Things Summer - Week 9

Well - until yesterday, I was worrying about the low number of outs I have had this week - and I was making up all sorts of excuses for my slackness to TSS - all the while we were visiting op shops - and buying more Ins...
The results of a good afternoon with a good friend

Well this morning, I got, and says to myself - "Self, it is time to sort through some junk in this bedroom. I am convinced that you have stuff in here you don't need".

Self was most compliant, and sat up and started on the drawers beside the bed - Good Self. What a productive morning for OUTs I have had - as you will see.

This week's report is
IN: 18

4 garments worth of wool
1 ball sock wool
2 knitting needles
1 knitting pattern
2 balls white cotton
1 x-stitch bookmark fabric
2 skeins cotton yarn
5 pieces of material
1 dolls house cupboard

When you remember that this included visiting op shops, and Cassidys - not bad all around I say

OUTS: 155

I am not going to bore you with the details of this - just a description

42 items to freecyclers - including handbags, old jewelery, wedding garter, hats, souvenir spoon, hand crafted cushion cover and pictures, and all sorts of goodies

38 items as a gift to a fellow bandit -including 25 card making kits, some cards, beading and other little treats for someone who is finding it hard at the moment

33 items to the garbage - including 20 defunct lymphodema bandages and padding, unmatched socks, knickers and bras no longer holding things together and so on. On top of this was a couple of bags of rubbish paperwork and such like from cleaning out drawers

42 further items to Vinnies - clothes that are just far too big on me, don't suit, haven't worn since they have been hanging int he cupboard, and such like.

Arhhh - now my bedroom seems so much more organised and lighter. I have a couple of other shelves to do, and then it is all done :)


I have been busy, but not a lot finished. Some things I have been making will come later on today.

I have made myself some clothes - of course now I have room in the cupboard for some new clothes, and I have a cupboard full of material to sew up. Now I have two new tops, and a new dress...
Also, I finished a time thief cap.

IN - 198
OUT - 551
TIAA - 105

All in all - it finished up a successful week, and feeling lighter in the house.
I am motivated now to go through a few more cupboards - BUT... I have to admit, that I am procrastinating from doing another project which HAS to be finished by Sunday - 15,000 readers of the community newsletter are awaiting my words!!!


Taphophile said...

Well done! Now put down those needles and type. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great job! I am stalled with no outs right now....if only Dave would let me throw out all his ancient faded band t-shirts!